Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Contest Deadline

The contest deadline will be Tuesday September 6, 2011, that will be your last day to submit any entries. Winner will be announced the following week, and we will contact the winner so that they can claim their prize.

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Email and Name Change Contest

We have a new [temporary] email address set up so that our listeners can keep contact with us. It is
Once we have picked our new name and found a new permanent home, we will drop that email address and keep you informed on what the new one will be.

Speaking of the name change, if you haven't heard already, we are holding a contest for a new name! The winner of this contest will win any game of their chose on steam (with the exception of special editions and crazy $100 priced games). You can enter as many name ideas as you want, just send them in to datpowerplay@gmail.com. The should not be taken by any other podcast, and should be vacant for a gmail account. If you already sent your entry to me at the Fug World forums, don't worry, I already have you recorded down and you don't need to send them to me again. You are more than welcome to send in more entries if you like. There is currently no deadline yet, we will announce the deadline as soon as we figure out where we will create our new home. Thanks again for all your support!

"The Don" Stafa

Our Temporary Home

Sorry for the inconvenience to all of our fans, but due to our departure with BaldMove.com, we will be using this blogspot as our temporary home. We will try to keep you up to date on where we will officially be moving, and any other updates will be posted here. Thanks for your patients and support!

-"The Don" Stafa